이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 907331
성별 여성
나이 29세
주 코드 AZ
로트 번호 011J20A
예방접종 횟수 1
접종일 2020-12-22
발병일 2020-12-22
상태 회복
  • 감각저하(Hypoaesthesia)
  • 현기증(Dizziness)
  • 가슴 불편함(Chest discomfort)
  • 메스꺼움(Nausea)
  • 두근거림(Palpitations)
  • 무력증(Asthenia)
  • 즉각적인 주입 후 반응(Immediate post-injection reaction)
  • 복부 불편(Abdominal discomfort)
  • 황반 발진(Rash macular)

이환 중 질병




기타 의료

Cetirizine, Advil,

이전 예방접종



임상 검사

ED administrated methylprednisolone sodium succinate 125mg, Benadryl 50 mg, and Ativan 1mg IV.

증상 상세

Employee presented for COVID 19 vaccination: Survey reviewed, no history of Anaphylaxis reaction Moderna 1st dose given today to Left arm.
She immediately developed Numbness to her body, chest tightness, and abdominal discomfort.
Remained Alert and oriented, voiced concerned she felt like she was going to pass out.
She developed blotchy skin to chest and neck area within minutes of injection.
Patient sat in a wheelchair.
Vital taken: BP 140/98 Pulse 123, given water to drink, tolerated well.
She quickly reported she continued with above stated ymptoms, and continued with nausea, blotchy skin, heart racing and weakness.
She was given 0.
3mg of Epinephrine IM to right arm and taken to the ED