이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 2541644
성별 남성
나이 88세
주 코드
로트 번호 EN6198
예방접종 횟수 2
접종일 2021-02-24
발병일 2021-05-05
상태 사망
  • 정신 상태 변화(Mental status changes)
  • 죽음(Death)

이환 중 질병


기타 의료

이전 예방접종


임상 검사

증상 상세

Narrative: Patient was not previously COVID-19 positive and did not have any predisposing factors(PMH, allergies, etc.
) for experiencing an adverse drug event.
The ADR did not occur at the time of the administration of the vaccine nor was there an ADR that occurred at the time of the administration of the vaccine nor was there an ADR that occurred between the observation period and the date of death.
PMH significant for malignant tumor urinary bladder, dementia, anemia, neoplasm of kidney, gout, hyperlipidemia, ckd stage 3, essential htn, poor diabetic control, hydronephrosis, copd.
Presented to ED 3/6/21 for altered mental status.
Placed on hospice care in April.
Pt was 86 years of age at time of death.