이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 2270964
성별 여성
나이 33세
주 코드 MO
로트 번호 EW0170
예방접종 횟수 2
접종일 2021-04-16
발병일 2021-05-04
상태 후유증
  • 호흡곤란(Dyspnoea)
  • 가슴 통증(Chest pain)
  • 흉부 엑스레이 이상(Chest X-ray abnormal)
  • 대비가 비정상적으로 스캔(Scan with contrast abnormal)
  • 호흡곤란(Dyspnoea exertional)
  • 폐 불투명도(Lung opacity)
  • 면역 반응(Immunisation reaction)

이환 중 질병



Type I Diabetic Neuropathy Migraines

기타 의료

Atorvastatin Plavix Lisinopril Novolog Cetirizine Lopressor Lyrica

이전 예방접종


Lamictal Levaquin

임상 검사


증상 상세

I had trouble breathing and went to the ER with chest pains.
They did a Chest X-ray with contrast.
They found I had a round glass opacity and a possible mass on my left lung.
I went back for a recheck in three months.
The mass has gone but the round glass opacity is still there.
My doctors have determined the vaccine caused this issue.
I am know using a daily inhaler and I have an emergency inhaler.
I cannot walk up a flight of stairs or walk through a store without getting winded.
If my life were in danger and I had to run, I could not do it.