이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 2248115
성별 여성
나이 25세
주 코드 LA
로트 번호 ER8727
예방접종 횟수 2
접종일 2021-04-20
발병일 2022-01-17
상태 입원
  • 관절통(Arthralgia)
  • 발열(Pyrexia)
  • 심전도 정상(Electrocardiogram normal)
  • 가슴 통증(Chest pain)
  • 두근거림(Palpitations)
  • 심박수 증가(Heart rate increased)
  • 실신(Malaise)
  • 빈맥(Tachycardia)
  • 무기폐(Atelectasis)
  • 컴퓨터 단층 촬영 흉부 정상(Computerised tomogram thorax normal)
  • 복통(Abdominal pain)
  • 심장 모니터링(Cardiac monitoring)
  • 대비가 비정상적으로 스캔(Scan with contrast abnormal)
  • 컴퓨터 단층 촬영 복부 이상(Computerised tomogram abdomen abnormal)
  • 심초음파 정상(Echocardiogram normal)
  • 갑상선 기능 항진증(Hyperthyroidism)
  • 임신 전 산모 노출(Maternal exposure before pregnancy)
  • 간낭종(Hepatic cyst)
  • 제대 탈장(Umbilical hernia)
  • 방광 확장(Bladder dilatation)
  • 간 혈관종(Haemangioma of liver)
  • 컴퓨터 단층 촬영 신장 정상(Computerised tomogram kidney normal)

이환 중 질병




기타 의료

flonase, azealistine, probiotic, claritin, magnesium/vit c supplement.

이전 예방접종


sulfa, penicillin, ceftin, amoxicillin

임상 검사

-Chest Xray- 1/17/2022: The heart is not enlarged.
There is no focal infiltrate or effusion.
There is no pneumothorax.
-Abdomen CT w/contrast 1/17/2022: There is atelectasis at the lung bases.
Subcentimeter hypodensity in the peripheral right hepatic lobe is too small to fully characterize, may represent a small cyst or hemangioma.
Spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands are unremarkable.
The gallbladder is unremarkable.
The kidneys are unremarkable.
Symmetric nephrograms.
No hydroureteronephrosis.
Limited evaluation of the unopacified hollow viscera.
Incomplete gastric distention.
No evidence of small bowel obstruction.
The appendix is not visualized.
Moderate stool retention.
No pneumatosis or venous gas.
Uterus is unremarkable.
No adnexal mass.
Incomplete urinary bladder distention.
Prominent adnexal veins; question pelvic vasculature congestion syndrome.
Normal caliber aorta.
The aorta is intact.
The SMA is patent.
The main portal vein, splenic vein, superior mesenteric vein are patent.
No free air.
Trace pelvic free fluid.
No fluid collections.
No hemoperitoneum.
No significant lymphadenopathy.
Small fat-containing umbilical hernia.
No acute osseous findings.
-Chest CT with contrast 1/18/2022: The pulmonary arteries are normal without filling defects to suggest either acute or chronic pulmonary emboli.
The pulmonary parenchyma is normal without evidence of interstitial or airspace disease.
Possibly because of the hyperdynamic state, pulmonary veins are also substantially opacified, but no significant difficulty is encountered in distinguishing pulmonary veins from pulmonary arteries, or in evaluating the pulmonary artery structures.
Airways are clear.
No tracheal or bronchial abnormality is identified.
There is no peribronchial thickening, no foreign body.
There is no vascular sling.
There is no pleural fluid, no visible ascites.
The heart and great vessels, pleura, and diaphragms are normal.
There is no evidence of mediastinal, hilar, or axillary lymphadenopathy.
There are no pleural, parenchymal, hilar or mediastinal calcifications.
The visualized upper abdominal viscera and the osseous structures are unremarkable.
Renal cortical perfusion is noted, also central perfusion in the visualized upper spleen and pancreas, minimal perfusion in the liver.

증상 상세

I was hospitalized for unexplained tacychardia.
I came to the hospital with a fever and high heart rate.
Antibiotics took the fever down but my heart rate stayed high.
I was admitted overnight and only discharged with the intent to see a cardiologist the next day.
I wore a heart monitor for 24 hours, had multiple ekgs done, and an echo.
Nothing explained the hight heart rate.
It stayed high (130's) for almost a week.
I was left with chest pain and no idea of what was wrong.
I still have palpitations now and have been prescribed a beta blocker.
I take it as needed because I'm currently expecting.
I was not expecting when this event.
Since this episode I have been diagnosed with subclinical hyperthyroidism.
I am a healthy adult who has never had any health problems like this before.
This was only one thing that has seemed very off since my covid vaccines.
I have also gotten sick a lot more than normal in the past year and have had unexplained joint pain that comes out of nowhere.
I also have had unexplained abdominal pain.
I've had cts and nothing is showing up.
My body is not working like it used to and I'm only 26 years old.
That is not okay, and I only started having problems after receiving this vaccine.
The tachychardia hospitalization was by far the worst and why I decided to report it.