이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 1957418
성별 여성
나이 31세
주 코드 FR
로트 번호
예방접종 횟수 2
접종일 2021-07-31
발병일 2021-07-31
상태 회복
  • 발열(Pyrexia)
  • 오한(Chills)
  • 체온(Body temperature)
  • 자연 낙태(Abortion spontaneous)
  • 임신 중 모성 노출(Maternal exposure during pregnancy)

이환 중 질병


기타 의료

이전 예방접종


임상 검사

Test Date: 20210801; Test Name: body temperature; Result Unstructured Data: Test Result:38 to 40.
5 Centigrade

증상 상세

Miscarriage/missed abortion; vaccination during 5th week of pregnancy; Fever: 38 to 40.
5 degrees Celcius; Cold chills; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable reporter(s) (Consumer or other non HCP) Regulatory number: NL-LRB-00721144.
A 31 year-old female patient (pregnant) received bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY), administration date 31Jul2021 (Lot number: Unknown) at the age of 31 years as dose 2, 0.
3ml single for covid-19 immunisation.
The patient was 5 weeks pregnant at the time of exposure to bnt162b2.
The patient was 5 weeks pregnant at the event onset.
The patient is expected to deliver one baby(s).
The patient's relevant medical history and concomitant medications were not reported.
Vaccination history included: Comirnaty (Dose 1, 0.
3ml, took place before pregnancy.
), administration date: 26Jun2021, for covid-19 immunisation, reaction(s): "Maternal exposure before pregnancy".
The following information was reported: ABORTION SPONTANEOUS (medically significant) with onset 01Aug2021, outcome "unknown", described as "Miscarriage/missed abortion"; MATERNAL EXPOSURE DURING PREGNANCY (non-serious) with onset 31Jul2021, outcome "unknown", described as "vaccination during 5th week of pregnancy"; PYREXIA (non-serious) with onset 31Jul2021, outcome "recovered" (01Aug2021), described as "Fever: 38 to 40.
5 degrees Celcius"; CHILLS (non-serious) with onset 31Jul2021, outcome "recovered" (01Aug2021), described as "Cold chills".
The pregnancy resulted in spontaneous abortion (01Aug2021).
The patient underwent the following laboratory tests and procedures: body temperature: (01Aug2021) 38 to 40.
Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of chills, pyrexia and pyrexia was treated with paracetamol.
Additional information: The miscarriage occurred at a pregnancy duration of about 5 weeks, one day after receiving the second Covid vaccination.
The first Covid vaccination took place before pregnancy.
Fetus stopped growing at 5 weeks of pregnancy.
Vaccination had at 5 weeks gestation.
Previous COVID-19 infection: No.
No follow-up attempts are possible; information about lot/batch number cannot be obtained.
No further information is expected.
; Sender's Comments: Linked Report(s) : NL-PFIZER INC-202101786117 mother/fetus case