이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 1864684
성별 여성
나이 64세
주 코드 CA
로트 번호 039F21A
예방접종 횟수 3
접종일 2021-11-10
발병일 2021-11-11
  • 발진(Rash)
  • 홍반성 발진(Rash erythematous)
  • 발진 가려움증(Rash pruritic)

이환 중 질병

Just had back re aggravated of unstable disc and had just finished 5 day course of steroids. MD had specifically given OK to get booster at that time


Occasional migraines and every few years if i get a cold i have asthma w it, some seasonal hayfever but not bad

기타 의료

Previcid, sumapriptin, tylenol

이전 예방접종


Yes had hives and trouble breathing w opiod medication given after surgery (hydrocoedone) One time only had a reaction similar to a shellfish but regularly ear shellfish w no reaction

임상 검사

증상 상세

Raised red rash over entire upper torso, itchy.
Not hives yet