이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 1864147
성별 여성
나이 78세
주 코드 AL
로트 번호 016M20A
예방접종 횟수 1
접종일 2021-02-04
발병일 2021-11-01
  • 발열(Pyrexia)
  • 오한(Chills)
  • 메스꺼움(Nausea)
  • 발진(Rash)
  • 두드러기(Urticaria)
  • 불타는 감각(Burning sensation)
  • 복부 불편(Abdominal discomfort)
  • 예방 접종 합병증(Vaccination complication)
  • 체온(Body temperature)

이환 중 질병

Blood pressure high; Thyroid disorder


기타 의료

이전 예방접종


임상 검사

Test Date: 20211101; Test Name: Body temperature; Result Unstructured Data: 100.
5 F; Test Date: 20211102; Test Name: Body temperature; Result Unstructured Data: 99 F; Test Date: 20211104; Test Name: Body temperature; Result Unstructured Data: 98 F

증상 상세

hives itch at night mostly but they feel like burning; nauseous; feeling something on their stomach; big, huge, red, hives under their breast,smaller hives down the side of their stomach area to the hip bone,The hives itch at night mostly; rash on their left arm from the elbow to their wrist; woke up with chills; body was hot and had fever,100.
5°F,99°F,98°F; had a reaction,reactions is worse that they thought; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of VACCINATION COMPLICATION (had a reaction,reactions is worse that they thought), ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT (feeling something on their stomach), BURNING SENSATION (hives itch at night mostly but they feel like burning), URTICARIA (big, huge, red, hives under their breast,smaller hives down the side of their stomach area to the hip bone,The hives itch at night mostly) and RASH (rash on their left arm from the elbow to their wrist) in a 78-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (batch nos.
091D2A, 025A21A and 016M20A) for COVID-19 vaccination.
The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below.
Concurrent medical conditions included Blood pressure high and Thyroid disorder.
On 04-Feb-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form.
On 04-Mar-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form.
On 01-Nov-2021 at 4:15 PM, received third dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form.
On 01-Nov-2021, the patient experienced VACCINATION COMPLICATION (had a reaction,reactions is worse that they thought), CHILLS (woke up with chills) and PYREXIA (body was hot and had fever,100.
On 03-Nov-2021, the patient experienced RASH (rash on their left arm from the elbow to their wrist).
On 04-Nov-2021, the patient experienced ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT (feeling something on their stomach) and URTICARIA (big, huge, red, hives under their breast,smaller hives down the side of their stomach area to the hip bone,The hives itch at night mostly).
On an unknown date, the patient experienced BURNING SENSATION (hives itch at night mostly but they feel like burning) and NAUSEA (nauseous).
The patient was treated with CORTISONE for Adverse event, at an unspecified dose and frequency.
At the time of the report, VACCINATION COMPLICATION (had a reaction,reactions is worse that they thought), ABDOMINAL DISCOMFORT (feeling something on their stomach), BURNING SENSATION (hives itch at night mostly but they feel like burning), URTICARIA (big, huge, red, hives under their breast,smaller hives down the side of their stomach area to the hip bone,The hives itch at night mostly), RASH (rash on their left arm from the elbow to their wrist), CHILLS (woke up with chills), PYREXIA (body was hot and had fever,100.
5°F,99°F,98°F) and NAUSEA (nauseous) had not resolved.
DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On 01-Nov-2021, Body temperature: 100.
5 (High) 100.
5 F.
On 02-Nov-2021, Body temperature: 99 (High) 99 F.
On 04-Nov-2021, Body temperature: 98 (High) 98 F.
Concomitant products included high blood pressure pill and thyroid pill for an unknown indication.
Treatment included cooling relieve gel.
This case was linked to MOD-2021-375550 (Patient Link).