이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 1626586
성별 여성
나이 68세
주 코드 VA
로트 번호 030A21A
예방접종 횟수 1
접종일 2021-03-18
발병일 2021-04-17
  • 발진(Rash)
  • 홍반성 발진(Rash erythematous)
  • 발진 가려움증(Rash pruritic)
  • 호산구 수(Eosinophil count)

이환 중 질병


Comments: No medical history was provided by the reporter.

기타 의료

이전 예방접종


임상 검사

Test Name: eosinophil count; Result Unstructured Data: Eosinophil count 150-170; Lab normal count reported as 50.
Patient denies eosinophil disease; Comments: Patient denies eosinophil disease

증상 상세

Red rash with no blisters that started under her left breast Red rash that covered 70% of the body; Itchy rash; it burns; This spontaneous case was reported by a health care professional and describes the occurrence of RASH ERYTHEMATOUS (Red rash with no blisters that started under her left breast Red rash that covered 70% of the body), RASH PRURITIC (Itchy rash) and RASH (it burns) in a 68-year-old female patient who received mRNA-1273 (batch nos.
046B21A and 030A21A) for COVID-19 vaccine.
No medical history was provided by the reporter.
On 18-Mar-2021, the patient received first dose of mRNA-1273 (Intramuscular) 1 dosage form.
On 15-Apr-2021, received second dose of mRNA-1273 (Intramuscular) dosage was changed to 1 dosage form.
On 17-Apr-2021, the patient experienced RASH ERYTHEMATOUS (Red rash with no blisters that started under her left breast Red rash that covered 70% of the body), RASH PRURITIC (Itchy rash) and RASH (it burns).
The patient was treated with LORATADINE, PSEUDOEPHEDRINE HYDROCHLORIDE (BENADRYL 24 D) at an unspecified dose and frequency and PREDNISONE at an unspecified dose and frequency.
At the time of the report, RASH ERYTHEMATOUS (Red rash with no blisters that started under her left breast Red rash that covered 70% of the body), RASH PRURITIC (Itchy rash) and RASH (it burns) outcome was unknown.
DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS (normal ranges are provided in parenthesis if available): On an unknown date, Eosinophil count: (High) Eosinophil count 150-170; Lab normal count reported as 50.
Patient denies eosinophil disease.
For mRNA-1273 (Intramuscular), the reporter did not provide any causality assessments.
Treatment included Benadryl and hydrocortisone cream 2.
5% which did not resolve the symptoms.
Patient's doctor prescribed prednisone and patient is on second day taking prednisone.
Patient reports the rash is fading but the itching and burning are still present.
No concomitant medications were reported.
Action taken with mRNA-123 is not applicable.