이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 1625453
성별 여성
나이 50세
주 코드 MO
로트 번호 091D21A
예방접종 횟수 1
접종일 2021-08-23
발병일 2021-08-23
상태 회복
  • 목의 압박감(Throat tightness)
  • 가려움증(Pruritus)
  • 두드러기(Urticaria)
  • 아나필락시 반응(Anaphylactic reaction)
  • 발성 장애(Dysphonia)
  • 아포니아(Aphonia)

이환 중 질병


기타 의료

이전 예방접종


iodine contrast dye

임상 검사

Patient seen at ER on 8-23-21.
She states she was given epinephrine, prednisone, and diphenhydramine while there.

증상 상세

patient called pharmacy around 12:00am on 8-24-21 stating she had just left the emergency room after having an anaphylactic reaction.
She states that the reaction started as itching and hives, and that her throat started closing and she became hoarse and began to lose her voice within 10 minutes of receiving the shot.
She states the pharmacist wanted to call 911 for an ambulance for her, but that since her husband drove her and the hospital is so close to our store she opted to have him transport her instead.
At the ER she was given epinephrine, prednisone, and diphenhydramine.
The patient says the ER told her to contact the pharmacy to have us input the VAERs event, and she was discharged to home.
She reports no trouble breathing after discharge, but she was still having some itching.