이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 1447057
성별 알 수 없음
주 코드
로트 번호
예방접종 횟수 1
상태 입원 후유증
  • 관절통(Arthralgia)
  • 불명 증(Insomnia)
  • 컴퓨터 단층 촬영 비정상(Computerised tomogram abnormal)
  • 울음 소리(Crying)
  • 연골이영양증(Chondrodystrophy)

이환 중 질병


기타 의료

이전 예방접종


임상 검사

Test , a cat scan there said I have achrondroplaysia now, my cartilage is turning hard.

증상 상세

Vaccine given to me at 10:00 am on 05-04-2032 at the Volunteer Fire Dept.
At approx 12:05 am 04-05-2021, I woke up with every , EVERY.
joint in my body on fire, I realized that it was a reaction and took 2 aspirin which did no good.
I paced around crying til daylight and called the phone number my insurance makes you call.
Some woman told me to call my PCP office, which I did, I went to the hospital here, they just assumed I was lying and wanted pain meds, even tho I did not ask for any, I told them I thought it was attraction to the vaccine.
I got so bad in two more days.
Went back to hospital or urgent care again Again they said I was drug seeking They would not listen to me about my Multiple Heteditary Exostosis or MH Osteochrondromitosis.
Even tho I brought in 10 CD s plus paper reports saying how very severe my case is and how many opetations I ve had, plus all of spine and neck is filled with stenosis and osteoarthritis.
They wouldn't look at my CDs from OHSU, nor read any of the reports.
I had to go to bed then a friend thought I was dying and took me up to OzJSU.