이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 1284865
성별 여성
주 코드 TN
로트 번호
예방접종 횟수
상태 사망
  • 출혈성 뇌졸중(Haemorrhagic stroke)

이환 중 질병


Medical History/Concurrent Conditions: CVA

기타 의료


이전 예방접종


임상 검사

증상 상세

hemorrhage stroke; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer-sponsored program, received from a contactable nurse.
A 55-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number and expiration date not provided), via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date at single dose for covid-19 immunisation.
The patient's medical history included CVA.
The patient's concomitant medication included oral clopidogrel bisulfate (PLAVIX) for CVA at 25 mg, 1x/day (25 mg once everyday).
It was reported that a patient who had the Covid vaccine, 3 days later the patient had hemorrhage and she passed away.
It was clarified that patient had a hemorrhage stroke and passed away.
The reporter did not know the date the patient passed away, but this was called on the office on 16Apr2021.
The patient died on an unspecified date.
It was not reported if an autopsy was performed.
Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
; Sender's Comments: Based on the temporal relationship, a causal association between the reported hemorrhagic stroke and the suspect drug, BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), cannot be completely excluded.
Of note, patient has a medical history of CVA.
The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events.
Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to RAs, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.
; Reported Cause(s) of Death: hemorrhage stroke