이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 1041172
성별 여성
나이 63세
주 코드
로트 번호
예방접종 횟수 1
접종일 2021-01-29
발병일 2021-01-29
  • 피로(Fatigue)
  • 사지의 통증(Pain in extremity)
  • 감각이상(Paraesthesia)
  • 구강 감각 이상(Paraesthesia oral)
  • 가슴 불편함(Chest discomfort)
  • 사지 불편(Limb discomfort)
  • 발진(Rash)
  • 불안(Anxiety)
  • 이명(Tinnitus)
  • 눈 통증(Eye pain)
  • 허리 통증(Back pain)
  • 목 통증(Neck pain)
  • 복통 감소(Abdominal pain lower)
  • 치은 불편(Gingival discomfort)

이환 중 질병


기타 의료

이전 예방접종


임상 검사

증상 상세

Within 1.
5 hours of vaccine #1: Eye pain (both), itching without visible rash (left buttock only), thumb pain, brief leg "heaviness" (both) and fatigue, brief RLQ pain, increased tinnitus.
The next evening: low back and neck (bone?) pain while attempting to sleep, out of character to usual back pain.
By day 3 post injection, left nose tingling similar to onset of cold sore, which included left side of mouth the next day.
By 7 days post injection, entire mouth area felt tingly similar to Novocaine wearing off.
This lasted 3 days.
Now improved.
(took B-12 p.
) Other brief episodes of chest discomfort, gum irritation, and anxiety.
Vaccine #2 scheduled for 2/19/2021