이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 916741
성별 여성
나이 68세
주 코드 AR
로트 번호 EH9899
예방접종 횟수 1
접종일 2020-12-21
발병일 2020-12-22
상태 후유증
  • 피로(Fatigue)
  • 사지의 통증(Pain in extremity)
  • 말초 부종(Peripheral swelling)
  • 두통(Headache)
  • 오한(Chills)
  • 근육통(Myalgia)
  • 관절 가동 범위 감소(Joint range of motion decreased)
  • 엑스레이 비정상(X-ray abnormal)
  • 복합 부위 통증 증후군(Complex regional pain syndrome)

이환 중 질병

had surgery R hand for advanced arthritis 11/16/20 - arthrodesis R thumb. was recuperating


Rheumatoid arthritis - mostly affecting R wrist well controlled seizure disorder DJD

기타 의료

phenobarbital 60mg HS hydroxychloroquin 400mg HS famotidine 20mg HS occas acetaminophen or ibu

이전 예방접종


bee stings

임상 검사

Dec 29th - saw surgeon.
had xray and exam --diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy also seen by PT

증상 상세

on dec 22 I felt some myalgias, chills, fatigue, HA --quite normal.
That evening, noted small amount swelling R hand --I iced and took acetaminophen.
By Dec 25, hand very swollen and painful with decreased ROM all fingers