이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 2280820
성별 여성
나이 53세
주 코드 CO
로트 번호 211D21A
예방접종 횟수 2
접종일 2022-05-16
발병일 2022-05-16
  • 두통(Headache)
  • 가슴 통증(Chest pain)
  • 목의 압박감(Throat tightness)
  • 신경질(Nervousness)

이환 중 질병

Patient stated no illnesses



기타 의료


이전 예방접종

Moderna on 4/13/21 patient stated went to hospital after anaphylaxis via ambulance. Age 52.


Peanuts, Penicillin

임상 검사

증상 상세

Patient stated headache and shaky feeling shortly after receiving vaccine around 3pm, symptoms worsening to throat tightness and chest pain, Epi 0.
3mg given at 3:10pm in left thigh, VS slightly elevated at that time: B/P 156/92, HR 109, Temp 98.
1, O2 sat 99%, RR 32.
EMS called at time of Epi given, symptoms not improving at 3:18pm another Epi 0.
3mg given in right thigh.
Patient stated she received 1st dose of Janseen on 12/18/21 but symptoms were not this bad.
Also stated had adverse reaction to Moderna on 4/13/21.
Patient transported to nearest hospital and report given to EMS upon arrival at 3:20.