이상반응 보고

VAERS ID 1169796
성별 여성
나이 81세
주 코드 NY
로트 번호 039K20A
예방접종 횟수 1
접종일 2021-02-07
발병일 2021-02-21
상태 입원 중증 사망
  • 피로(Fatigue)
  • 발열(Pyrexia)
  • 설사(Diarrhoea)
  • 호흡곤란(Dyspnoea)
  • 흉부 엑스레이 이상(Chest X-ray abnormal)
  • SARS-CoV-2 테스트 음성(SARS-CoV-2 test negative)
  • C 반응성 단백질 증가(C-reactive protein increased)
  • 항핵항체 양성(Antinuclear antibody positive)
  • 결절(Nodule)
  • 컴퓨터 단층 촬영 비정상(Computerised tomogram abnormal)
  • SARS-CoV-2 항체 검사(SARS-CoV-2 antibody test)
  • 백혈구 수 증가(White blood cell count increased)
  • 호흡기 세포융합 바이러스 검사 음성(Respiratory syncytial virus test negative)
  • 인플루엔자 바이러스 검사 음성(Influenza virus test negative)
  • 혈액 배양 음성(Blood culture negative)
  • 호중구 수 증가(Neutrophil count increased)
  • 기관 삽관(Endotracheal intubation)
  • 죽음(Death)
  • 저산소증(Hypoxia)
  • 폐 불투명도(Lung opacity)
  • 세균 검사 양성(Bacterial test positive)
  • 혈중 젖산 탈수소효소 증가(Blood lactate dehydrogenase increased)
  • 폐 침윤(Lung infiltration)
  • HIV 검사 음성(HIV test negative)
  • 간질성 폐질환(Interstitial lung disease)
  • 레지오넬라 검사(Legionella test)
  • 적혈구 수 증가(Red blood cell count increased)
  • 프로칼시토닌 정상(Procalcitonin normal)
  • 곰팡이 검사 음성(Fungal test negative)
  • 기관지확장증(Bronchiectasis)
  • 기관지경(Bronchoscopy)
  • 마이코박테리움 검사 음성(Mycobacterium test negative)
  • 급성 간질성 폐렴(Acute interstitial pneumonitis)

이환 중 질병




기타 의료

이전 예방접종



임상 검사

- CT (3/3): moderate bilateral, predominantly dependent and peripheral/subpleural reticular and irregular groundglass and consolidative opacities, some with slightly rounded/nodular morphology; mild traction bronchiectasis; no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
- s/p bronchoscopy (3/9): BAL in lingula, 180 mL in / 90 mL out; mucous plugs present in return fluid.
Labs/micro: - SARS/flu/RSV/BioFire neg, Legionella UAg neg, Bcxs neg - procalcitonin 0.
05 (2/28) > 0.
09 (3/8) 2/28 SARS-CoV-2 semi-quantitative IgG (Kantaro assay) 4,447 AU/mL [ref range, < 5 AU/mL = negative to >40 AU/mL = Strong positive "Interpretation: The Semi-Quantitative SARS-COV-2 IgG results of >40 AU/mL confirm the presence of circulating IgG antibodies specific for SARS-CoV-2 at high levels.
Corresponding serum titers range from 960 and rise to above 2880 with increasing numerical value.
"] - 3/5 ANA 1:320, homogenous - 3/5 CRP 35 >> 150; LDH 830 - 3/9 BAL RBC 1.
95K, WBC 473/68% polys, 26% macs, bacteria seen.
GS 1-9 polys, no orgs, cx usu resp flora, fungal cx neg, - AFB neg x6 - HIV neg; no known immunosuppressive predisposition to OIs like PCP or other fungi; serum CrAg/GM/Fungitell neg and sputum PCP DFA neg

증상 상세

4/2020 presumed COVID-19 (not formally diagnosed, not hospitalized) 2/07/21 Moderna vaccine #1 (date per pt's daughter) 2/21/21 onset SOB/DOE, fever 2/24/21 Seen at Urgent Care: RML crackles and infiltrate on CXR, given azithromycin and Augmentin 2/27/21 Presented to ED with progression of SOB/DOE, fatigue, diarrhea.
Hypoxemic requiring low-flow NC, B/L basilar crackles noted; started on CTX/azithro (2/27-3/3) for presumed CAP 3/08/21 Required HFNC; first seen by me personally: diffuse, distinct velcro crackles, lower > upper fields 3/12/21 Started on high-dose steroids without improvement; unable to wean from HFNC with progressively worsening hypoxemia; pt declined intubation.
03/22/21 Patient died in Palliative Care Unit Diagnosis: Interstitial lung disease of uncertain etiology, acute interstitial pneumonitis vs.
undiagnosed connective tissue disease